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Migrant Services

  Programme for Migrants & Families  

Bhartiya Samaj works relentlessly towards Migrant Settlement and Support.


The migrant Wing has been actively involved with the smooth settlement of migrants since its inception. We assist people from all walks of life and make an earnest effort to address social issues and help them settle into the NZ mainstream.


We assist the new settlers in following manner:

• Job search and CV building workshops
• Skill development workshops
• Access to social and health services
• Finding good accommodation
• Understanding NZ laws and regulations
• Provide culturally appropriate counselling to address issues like family and domestic violence

Benefits to the community:

• Assist newcomers in seeking jobs

• Networking and building relationships

• Reduce barriers to settlement

• Professional development and access to know how of New Zealand work environment

• Platform to engage with each other for mutual support, better learning, socializing and awareness creation

Picture Gallery

Programme for Family:

Our Community Grievance Support Programs have always been helpful in resolving issues for vulnerable people and especially those in dire need with no resort available for assistance. These Initiatives have always provided help and support to distressed families. Many families have benefited from our support initiatives and are happy to extend our services to serve the community better.



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