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Senior Citizens

  Elder Support program  

Event - Senior Meeting

We have about 1200 + Senior Citizen members subscribed to our services.


As a regular service, every fortnight we organise a community meeting for our Senior Citizens at Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall. These meetings provide members from South Asian migrant communities a platform to engage with each other for lending mutual support, better learning, socializing and creating awareness. Also we conduct a monthly meeting at south Auckland.


Some of the programs, we have done in the past for senior citizens include:

  • Bhartiya Samaj Seniors Meeting

  • Bhartiya Samaj South Auckland Seniors End of Year Party

  • Diabetes Workshop

  • International Day of Older Persons

  • Mothers Day Celebrations at Bhartiya Samaj

  • Senior Citizens meeting

  • Seniors Diwali Celebration

  • Seniors Group visiting the Fo Guang Shan Temple

  • Seniors Outing to Rotorua & Taupo

Under Senior Citizens Wing of Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust, we have about 1200+ members subscribed to our services. Since 1995, our primary objective has been to serve the community/seniors better by providing them a platform where we undertake many programs/activities like workshops on social and health issues, fortnightly get together, recreational outings, festival/culture celebrations, Kiwi English Speaking Language Classes, Computer and mobile usage classes and weekly social tea sessions to cater to their social, cultural and emotional well-being.We make dedicated efforts to design our programs for senior citizens to enhance Positive Ageing.

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Benefits to the community through our programs/workshops:


  • Sense of social inclusion and confidence: Regular Fortnightly meetings for the Senior Citizens to provide them a platform where they can come together and make social relations thus overcoming isolation.

  • Promotes active, healthy and engaged living that not only helps in their positive wellbeing but also eliminates issues like depression, isolation and elder abuse. This in turn also reduces the health care costs. 

  • Building connected and confident communities: Through our Kiwi English Language and technology classes they learn to confidently interact with the outside world. . 

  • Due to their limited mobility access and language barriers, we resolve these constraints by providing pick up and drop facility from their homes thereby encouraging their participation. 

  • Informative workshops to learn new things related to healthcare and various social issues. 

  • Celebration of national and religious festivals brings diverse cultures onto one platform keeping them connected to their roots. 

  • Sight-seeing tours out of Auckland for recreation purposes and spending quality time with friends 



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