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Summer Camp 2020 Enrolment Opens!!!

Bhartiya Samaj invites you to enroll your child for the Annual Children & Youth Summer Camp 2020. 

Aimed at:

- Personality Development

- Mutual tolerance/understanding

- Leadership qualities

- Inner strength through Yoga

- Interpersonal skills

- Creative activities like dancing, music, painting etc.

- Cultural awareness

- Sports Session

About the Camp: The children would be provided with Refreshments viz. Breakfast, Lunch & Afternoon Snacks. The camp would also include;

- An outing for a day under supervision

- Daily exercise / yoga and sports sessions

- Workshops & Activities by qualified teachers

The 5 days of Summer Camp are heavily subsidised and the amount charged will be utilised to cover only a part of the expenses.

Hurry and register now- "First Come First Serve Basis"

Age: 6 to 14 years

Dates: 13th to 17th January 2020

Venue: Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall, 13 May Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland

Timings: 8:00am to 5:00pm(Parents to drop off and pick up the children)    Donation: $85 per child

Enrolment Form: Click on the link below to fill the form and submit:

FOR REGISTRATIONS CONTACT Jeet Suchdev QSM JP P: 09-4430579 M: 0212221020 Email:

Roopa Suchdev QSM M: 021665609  Email:

Ruchika Agarwal Ph:09-6200579  M: 02108881461

PAYMENT OPTION: Kindly process the payment only after you receive a seat confirmation email from us.

DIRECT DEPOSIT A/c NAME: Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust A/c No: ASB BANK 12-3082-0125539-00 Reference- Child's Name SC 2020



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